The distribution system is a network comprising a set of lines and equipment used to ensure the transport of electricity, gas or heat from the point of connection to the parent network or generation plant to the points of energy consumption by individual consumers in a defined area.
The distribution system facilities for the distribution of electricity normally include overhead lines, cable lines, elements for switching distribution at higher voltage levels, transformers providing voltage conversion to the consumer's required level and other distribution lines at lower voltage levels.
The elements of the distribution system for gas transportation are mainly control stations for changing the pressure of the transported gas – control stations and gas transit pipelines at medium and low pressure levels.
Heat is transported through pipeline systems in the form of steam or hot water directly from the source or from connected heat exchanger stations.
An important element of each distribution system is specific metering equipment ensuring the quality of commercial metering of energy consumption/supply required by legislation at each point of connection to the consumer, generation plant or upstream network. The data from commercial metering is then used to invoice individual consumption and create trade balances within the interconnected systems, both domestically and abroad.
Provision of distribution system service is the provision of uninterrupted supply of electricity, gas or heat in the quality and quantity according to the requirements of each connected Consumer. In our systems, we take care to renew and maintain all equipment so that the Customer receives the best quality energy in the quantity they need. We are constantly improving service quality by continuously investing in and adding modern transmission technologies that enable uninterrupted supply even in the event of forced outages of one or more facilities on the energy path to our customers.